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开破车 Kai Po Che DVD+HD

别名:开破车 Kai Po Che








    It is the story of three friends and is based in the city of Ahmedabad. The plot sees a young boy in Ahmedabad named Govind dream of starting a business. To accommodate his friends Ishaan (the central character) and Omi"s passion, cricket, they open a cricket goods and training shop. However, each has a different motive: Govind"s goal is to make money; Ishaan Ishaan (the central character) and Omi"s passion, cricket, they open a cricket goods and training shop. However, each has a different motive: Govind"s goal is to make money; Ishaan desires to nurture Ali, a gifted batsman; Omi just wants to be with his friends. The events that transpire against the backdrop of all that occurred in the city during that time, change the lives of each of the friends in very different ways.